Metadata: TemporalRelations

Entity Value
Ontology details
Ontology ID 4
Ontology Name TemporalRelations
Ontology Acronym
Ontology Description TemporalRelations is an Ontology of temporal relations. It is adpated from Allen's interval calculus.
Creation Date 0000-00-00
Latest Modified Date 0000-00-00
Version 397
Language name Web Ontology Language 2 DL
Language acronym OWL 2 DL
Language description
Ontology metrics
DL Expressivity
Number Of Classes 37
Number Of Individuals 0
Number Of Object Properties 91
Number Of Data Properties 0
NumberOfAxioms 435
Ontology Licence
Licence Name Free
Licence Description This ontology is freely available.
LicenceHomePage -
Creator/contributor details
Person Name Aldo Gangemi
Person email
Organisation The Laboratory for Applied Ontology. Institute of Cognitive Science and Technology Italian National Research Council
Person Name Allesandro Oltramari
Person email
Organisation The Laboratory for Applied Ontology. Institute of Cognitive Science and Technology Italian National Research Council
Person Name Stefano Borgo
Person email
Organisation The Laboratory for Applied Ontology. Institute of Cognitive Science and Technology Italian National Research Council
Person Name Claudio Masolo
Person email
Organisation The Laboratory for Applied Ontology. Institute of Cognitive Science and Technology Italian National Research Council
Person Name Nicola Guarino
Person email
Organisation The Laboratory for Applied Ontology. Institute of Cognitive Science and Technology Italian National Research Council
Organisation details
Organisation Name The Laboratory for Applied Ontology. Institute of Cognitive Science and Technology Italian National Research Council
Organisation Acronym LOA-CNR
Organisation Homepage
Module details
Module Type Reusable component
Module Subtype Domain-independent
Module Type Description This module covers domain-independent orthogonal dimensions.
Module Coverage 100.00%
Module Correctness
(ModuleCorrectness states whether a module is logically correct, i.e., if all the axioms from only the original ontology are found in the modules and nothing new has been added to the module.)
Module Completeness
(ModuleCompleteness states whether for every axiom in the original ontology, the meaning of the axiom is persevered in the module.)
Module Class Size
(ModularisedClassSize represents the amount of classes of the original ontology that remains in the module.)
Module Property Size
(ModularisedPropertySize represents the amount of properties of the original ontology that remains in the module.)
Module Method Manual
Original ontology A Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering (Lite)