Ontology Verbalisation: Natural language view
Click on a link below to view the axioms of a foundational ontology module in natural language.DOLCE
- DOLCE-Lite This version of DOLCE does not contain modality, temporal indexing, relation composition.
- Functional Participation This module contains functional participation relations, based on traditional literature on thematic roles.
- Spatial Relations This module contains spatial relations which extend the local relations from DOLCE.
- Temporal Relations This module contains temporal relations.
- DOLCE-Endurants This module contains only those classes and subclasses which are endurants.
- DOLCE-Perdurants This module contains only those classes and subclasses which are perdurants.
- DOLCE-No-Quality-Qualia This module has no quality and qualia branches.
- DOLCE-Lite-EL This module is an OWL 2 EL profile of DOLCE Lite.
- DOLCE-Lite-QL This module is an OWL 2 QL profile of DOLCE Lite.
- DOLCE-Lite-RL This module is an OWL 2 RL profile of DOLCE Lite.
- BFO 1.1 The full version of BFO.
- BFO-Relational Ontology The BFO ontology combined with relational ontology.
- BFO-Continuants This module contains only those classes and subclasses which are continuants.
- BFO-Occurrents This module contains only those classes and subclasses which are occurrents.
- GFO The full version of GFO.
- GFO-Basic This is a stable core of GFO.
- GFO-Abstract-Top-Ontology This module is based on the Abstract Top Level layer which contains mainly two meta-categories: set and item.
- GFO-Abstract-Core-Ontology This module is based on the Abstract Core Level which contains meta-categories over the basic level: categories and individuals.
- GFO-basic-EL This module is an OWL 2 EL profile of GFO.
- GFO-basic-QL This module is an OWL 2 QL profile of GFO.
- GFO-basic-RL This module is an OWL 2 RL profile of GFO.
- GFO No Occurrents This module contains no occurrents.
- GFO No Persistants and No Presentials This module contains no persistants and presentials.