Natural Language View: DOLCE-QL
ABSTRACT (class)
Examples | The following are abstracts: spatio temporal particulars, sets, and propositions. |
Distinctions | No abstract is any of the following: a quality, a perdurant, or an endurant. |
Examples | The following are abstracts: spatio temporal particulars, sets, and propositions. |
Distinctions | No abstract is any of the following: a quality, a perdurant, or an endurant. |
Typology | An abstract quality is a quality. |
Distinctions | No abstract quality is a temporal quality, or a physical quality. |
Typology | An abstract region is a region. |
Description | If X is abstract location Y then Y is an abstract region. If X is abstract location of Y then X is an abstract region. |
Distinctions | No abstract region is a temporal region, or a physical region. |
Typology | An accomplishment is an event. |
Typology | An achievement is an event. |
Typology | An amount of matter is a physical endurant. |
Distinctions | No amount of matter is a physical object, or a feature. |
Typology | An arbitrary sum is an endurant. |
Distinctions | No arbitrary sum is a physical endurant, or a non physical endurant. |
Typology | A dependent place is a feature. |
Typology | An endurant is a spatio temporal particular. |
Description | If any of the following relationships hold between X and Y then Y is an endurant: "is total temporary participant", "is total constant participant", "is temporary participant", "is participant", "is life of" and "is constant participant". If any of the following relationships hold between X and Y then X is an endurant: "is total temporary participant in", "is total constant participant in", "is temporary participant in", "is participant in", "is life" and "is constant participant in". |
Examples | The following are endurants: physical endurants, non physical endurants, and arbitrary sums. |
Distinctions |
Typology | |
Examples | Achievements, and accomplishments are events. |
Typology | A feature is a physical endurant. |
Description | A feature is host a physical endurant. If X is host of Y then Y is a feature. |
Examples | Relevant parts, and dependent places are features. |
Distinctions | No amount of matter is a feature. No feature is a physical object. |
Typology | The property "has as quale" is a sub-property of "is q location". |
Description | If X has as quale Y then Y is a quale. If X has as quale Y then X is a quality. X has as quale Y if and only if Y is quale of X. |
Typology | The property "has as quality" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation i". |
Description | The property "has as t quality" is a sub-property of "has as quality". If X has as quality Y then Y is a quality. If X has as quality Y then X is a particular. X is inherent in Y if and only if Y has as quality X. |
Typology | The property "has as t quality" is a sub-property of "has as quality". |
Description | If X has as t quality Y then Y is a quality. If X has as t quality Y then X is a particular. X is t inherent in Y if and only if Y has as t quality X. |
Typology | The property "is abstract location" is a sub-property of "is exact location". |
Description | If X is abstract location Y then Y is an abstract region. If X is abstract location Y then X is a non physical endurant. X is abstract location Y if and only if Y is abstract location of X. |
Typology | The property "is abstract location of" is a sub-property of "is exact location of". |
Description | If X is abstract location of Y then Y is a non physical endurant. If X is abstract location of Y then X is an abstract region. X is abstract location Y if and only if Y is abstract location of X. |
Typology | The property "is constant participant" is a sub-property of "is participant". |
Description | The following properties are sub-properties of "is constant participant": "is total constant participant" and "is life of". If X is constant participant Y then Y is an endurant. If X is constant participant Y then X is a perdurant. X is constant participant in Y if and only if Y is constant participant X. |
Typology | The property "is constant participant in" is a sub-property of "is participant in". |
Description | The following properties are sub-properties of "is constant participant in": "is total constant participant in" and "is life". If X is constant participant in Y then Y is a perdurant. If X is constant participant in Y then X is an endurant. X is constant participant in Y if and only if Y is constant participant X. |
Typology | The property "is exact location" is a sub-property of "is generic location". |
Description | The following properties are sub-properties of "is exact location": "is spatio temporally present at", "is physical location" and "is abstract location". If X is exact location Y then Y is a region. If X is exact location Y then X is a particular. X is exact location Y if and only if Y is exact location of X. |
Typology | The property "is exact location of" is a sub-property of "is generic location of". |
Description | The following properties are sub-properties of "is exact location of": "is spatio temporal presence of", "is physical location of" and "is abstract location of". If X is exact location of Y then Y is a particular. If X is exact location of Y then X is a region. X is exact location Y if and only if Y is exact location of X. |
Typology | The property "is generic constituent" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation". |
Description | If X is generic constituent Y then Y is a particular. If X is generic constituent Y then X is a particular. X is generic constituent of Y if and only if Y is generic constituent X. |
Typology | The property "is generic constituent of" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation i". |
Description | If X is generic constituent of Y then Y is a particular. If X is generic constituent of Y then X is a particular. X is generic constituent of Y if and only if Y is generic constituent X. |
Typology | The property "is generic dependent" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation". |
Description | If X is generic dependent Y then Y is a particular. If X is generic dependent Y then X is a particular. X is generic dependent Y if and only if Y is generically dependent on X. |
Typology | The property "is generic location" is a sub-property of "is mediated relation". |
Description | The property "is exact location" is a sub-property of "is generic location". If X is generic location Y then Y is a particular. If X is generic location Y then X is a particular. X is generic location of Y if and only if Y is generic location X. |
Typology | The property "is generic location of" is a sub-property of "is mediated relation i". |
Description | The property "is exact location of" is a sub-property of "is generic location of". If X is generic location of Y then Y is a particular. If X is generic location of Y then X is a particular. X is generic location of Y if and only if Y is generic location X. |
Typology | The property "is generically dependent on" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation i". |
Description | If X is generically dependent on Y then Y is a particular. If X is generically dependent on Y then X is a particular. X is generic dependent Y if and only if Y is generically dependent on X. |
Typology | The property "is host" is a sub-property of "is specifically constantly dependent on". |
Description | If X is host Y then Y is a physical endurant. If X is host Y then X is a feature. X is host of Y if and only if Y is host X. |
Typology | The property "is host of" is a sub-property of "is specific constant dependent". |
Description | If X is host of Y then Y is a feature. If X is host of Y then X is a physical endurant. X is host of Y if and only if Y is host X. |
Description | The following properties are sub-properties of "is immediate relation": "is weak connection", "is specific constant dependent", "is specific constant constituent", "is r location", "is q location", "is participant", "is inherent in", "is generic dependent" and "is generic constituent". If X is immediate relation Y then Y is a particular. If X is immediate relation Y then X is a particular. X is immediate relation i Y if and only if Y is immediate relation X. |
Description | The following properties are sub-properties of "is immediate relation i": "is specifically constantly dependent on", "is specific constant constituent of", "is r location of", "is q location of", "is participant in", "has as quality", "is generically dependent on" and "is generic constituent of". If X is immediate relation i Y then Y is a particular. If X is immediate relation i Y then X is a particular. X is immediate relation i Y if and only if Y is immediate relation X. |
Typology | The property "is inherent in" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation". |
Description | The property "is t inherent in" is a sub-property of "is inherent in". If X is inherent in Y then Y is a particular. If X is inherent in Y then X is a quality. X is inherent in Y if and only if Y has as quality X. |
Typology | The property "is life" is a sub-property of "is constant participant in". |
Description | If X is life Y then Y is a perdurant. If X is life Y then X is an endurant. X is life Y if and only if Y is life of X. |
Typology | The property "is life of" is a sub-property of "is constant participant". |
Description | If X is life of Y then Y is an endurant. If X is life of Y then X is a perdurant. X is life Y if and only if Y is life of X. |
Description | The following properties are sub-properties of "is mediated relation": "is strong connection", "is sibling part", "is q present at", "is partly compresent", "overlaps" and "is generic location". If X is mediated relation Y then Y is a particular. If X is mediated relation Y then X is a particular. X is mediated relation i Y if and only if Y is mediated relation X. |
Description | The following properties are sub-properties of "is mediated relation i": "is time of q presence of" and "is generic location of". If X is mediated relation i Y then Y is a particular. If X is mediated relation i Y then X is a particular. X is mediated relation i Y if and only if Y is mediated relation X. |
Typology | The property "is participant" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation". |
Description | The following properties are sub-properties of "is participant": "is temporary participant" and "is constant participant". If X is participant Y then Y is an endurant. If X is participant Y then X is a perdurant. X is participant Y if and only if Y is participant in X. |
Typology | The property "is participant in" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation i". |
Description | The following properties are sub-properties of "is participant in": "is temporary participant in" and "is constant participant in". If X is participant in Y then Y is a perdurant. If X is participant in Y then X is an endurant. X is participant Y if and only if Y is participant in X. |
Typology | The property "is partly compresent" is a sub-property of "is mediated relation". |
Description | inverseObjectProperties(objectProperty(''), [objectProperty(''), objectProperty('')]). inverseObjectProperties([objectProperty(''), objectProperty('')], objectProperty('')). If X is partly compresent Y then Y is a particular. If X is partly compresent Y then X is a particular. |
Typology | The property "is physical location" is a sub-property of "is exact location". |
Description | If X is physical location Y then Y is a physical region. If X is physical location Y then X is a physical endurant. X is physical location Y if and only if Y is physical location of X. |
Typology | The property "is physical location of" is a sub-property of "is exact location of". |
Description | If X is physical location of Y then Y is a physical endurant. If X is physical location of Y then X is a physical region. X is physical location Y if and only if Y is physical location of X. |
Typology | The property "is q location" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation". |
Description | The property "has as quale" is a sub-property of "is q location". If X is q location Y then Y is a region. If X is q location Y then X is a quality. X is q location Y if and only if Y is q location of X. |
Typology | The property "is q location of" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation i". |
Description | The property "is quale of" is a sub-property of "is q location of". If X is q location of Y then Y is a quality. If X is q location of Y then X is a region. X is q location Y if and only if Y is q location of X. |
Typology | The property "is q present at" is a sub-property of "is mediated relation". |
Description | If X is q present at Y then Y is a time interval. If X is q present at Y then X is a physical quality. X is time of q presence of Y if and only if Y is q present at X. |
Typology | The property "is quale of" is a sub-property of "is q location of". |
Description | If X is quale of Y then Y is a quality. If X is quale of Y then X is a quale. X has as quale Y if and only if Y is quale of X. |
Typology | The property "is r location" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation". |
Description | If X is r location Y then Y is a region. If X is r location Y then X is a region. X is r location Y if and only if Y is r location of X. |
Typology | The property "is r location of" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation i". |
Description | If X is r location of Y then Y is a region. If X is r location of Y then X is a region. X is r location Y if and only if Y is r location of X. |
Typology | The property "is sibling part" is a sub-property of "is mediated relation". |
Description | inverseObjectProperties(objectProperty(''), [objectProperty(''), objectProperty('')]). inverseObjectProperties([objectProperty(''), objectProperty('')], objectProperty('')). If X is sibling part Y then Y is a particular. If X is sibling part Y then X is a particular. |
Typology | The property "is spatio temporal presence of" is a sub-property of "is exact location of". |
Description | If X is spatio temporal presence of Y then Y is a particular. If X is spatio temporal presence of Y then X is a spatio temporal region. X is spatio temporal presence of Y if and only if Y is spatio temporally present at X. |
Typology | The property "is spatio temporally present at" is a sub-property of "is exact location". |
Description | If X is spatio temporally present at Y then Y is a spatio temporal region. If X is spatio temporally present at Y then X is a particular. X is spatio temporal presence of Y if and only if Y is spatio temporally present at X. |
Typology | The property "is specific constant constituent" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation". |
Description | If X is specific constant constituent Y then Y is a particular. If X is specific constant constituent Y then X is a particular. X is specific constant constituent Y if and only if Y is specific constant constituent of X. |
Typology | The property "is specific constant constituent of" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation i". |
Description | If X is specific constant constituent of Y then Y is a particular. If X is specific constant constituent of Y then X is a particular. X is specific constant constituent Y if and only if Y is specific constant constituent of X. |
Typology | The property "is specific constant dependent" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation". |
Description | The property "is host of" is a sub-property of "is specific constant dependent". If X is specific constant dependent Y then Y is a particular. If X is specific constant dependent Y then X is a particular. X is specific constant dependent Y if and only if Y is specifically constantly dependent on X. |
Typology | The property "is specifically constantly dependent on" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation i". |
Description | The property "is host" is a sub-property of "is specifically constantly dependent on". If X is specifically constantly dependent on Y then Y is a particular. If X is specifically constantly dependent on Y then X is a particular. X is specific constant dependent Y if and only if Y is specifically constantly dependent on X. |
Typology | The property "is strong connection" is a sub-property of "is mediated relation". |
Description | inverseObjectProperties(objectProperty(''), [objectProperty(''), objectProperty('')]). inverseObjectProperties([objectProperty(''), objectProperty('')], objectProperty('')). If X is strong connection Y then Y is a particular. If X is strong connection Y then X is a particular. |
Typology | The property "is t inherent in" is a sub-property of "is inherent in". |
Description | If X is t inherent in Y then Y is a particular. If X is t inherent in Y then X is a quality. X is t inherent in Y if and only if Y has as t quality X. |
Typology | The property "is temporary participant" is a sub-property of "is participant". |
Description | The property "is total temporary participant" is a sub-property of "is temporary participant". If X is temporary participant Y then Y is an endurant. If X is temporary participant Y then X is a perdurant. X is temporary participant Y if and only if Y is temporary participant in X. |
Typology | The property "is temporary participant in" is a sub-property of "is participant in". |
Description | The property "is total temporary participant in" is a sub-property of "is temporary participant in". If X is temporary participant in Y then Y is a perdurant. If X is temporary participant in Y then X is an endurant. X is temporary participant Y if and only if Y is temporary participant in X. |
Typology | The property "is time of q presence of" is a sub-property of "is mediated relation i". |
Description | If X is time of q presence of Y then Y is a physical quality. If X is time of q presence of Y then X is a time interval. X is time of q presence of Y if and only if Y is q present at X. |
Typology | The property "is total constant participant" is a sub-property of "is constant participant". |
Description | If X is total constant participant Y then Y is an endurant. If X is total constant participant Y then X is a perdurant. X is total constant participant Y if and only if Y is total constant participant in X. |
Typology | The property "is total constant participant in" is a sub-property of "is constant participant in". |
Description | If X is total constant participant in Y then Y is a perdurant. If X is total constant participant in Y then X is an endurant. X is total constant participant Y if and only if Y is total constant participant in X. |
Typology | The property "is total temporary participant" is a sub-property of "is temporary participant". |
Description | If X is total temporary participant Y then Y is an endurant. If X is total temporary participant Y then X is a perdurant. X is total temporary participant in Y if and only if Y is total temporary participant X. |
Typology | The property "is total temporary participant in" is a sub-property of "is temporary participant in". |
Description | If X is total temporary participant in Y then Y is a perdurant. If X is total temporary participant in Y then X is an endurant. X is total temporary participant in Y if and only if Y is total temporary participant X. |
Typology | The property "is weak connection" is a sub-property of "is immediate relation". |
Description | inverseObjectProperties(objectProperty(''), [objectProperty(''), objectProperty('')]). inverseObjectProperties([objectProperty(''), objectProperty('')], objectProperty('')). If X is weak connection Y then Y is a particular. If X is weak connection Y then X is a particular. |
Typology | A non physical endurant is an endurant. |
Description | If X is abstract location of Y then Y is a non physical endurant. If X is abstract location Y then X is a non physical endurant. |
Examples | |
Distinctions | No arbitrary sum is a non physical endurant. No non physical endurant is a physical endurant. |
Typology | |
Description | A non physical object is generically dependent on a physical endurant. |
Typology | The property "overlaps" is a sub-property of "is mediated relation". |
Description | inverseObjectProperties(objectProperty(''), [objectProperty(''), objectProperty('')]). inverseObjectProperties([objectProperty(''), objectProperty('')], objectProperty('')). If X overlaps Y then Y is a particular. If X overlaps Y then X is a particular. |
Typology | A perdurant is a spatio temporal particular. |
Description | If any of the following relationships hold between X and Y then Y is a perdurant: "is total temporary participant in", "is total constant participant in", "is temporary participant in", "is participant in", "is life" and "is constant participant in". If any of the following relationships hold between X and Y then X is a perdurant: "is total temporary participant", "is total constant participant", "is temporary participant", "is participant", "is life of" and "is constant participant". A perdurant both is participant an endurant, and has as quality a temporal location q. |
Examples | Statives, and events are perdurants. |
Distinctions | No endurants or abstracts are perdurants. |
Typology | A physical endurant is an endurant. |
Description | A physical endurant both has as quality a spatial location q, and has as quality a physical quality. If any of the following relationships hold between X and Y then Y is a physical endurant: "is physical location of" and "is host". If any of the following relationships hold between X and Y then X is a physical endurant: "is physical location" and "is host of". |
Examples | The following are physical endurants: physical objects, features, and amounts of matter. |
Distinctions | No non physical endurants or arbitrary sums are physical endurants. |
Typology | A physical object is a physical endurant. |
Distinctions | No features or amounts of matter are physical objects. |
Typology | A physical quality is a quality. |
Description | A physical quality is inherent in a physical endurant. If X is time of q presence of Y then Y is a physical quality. If X is q present at Y then X is a physical quality. |
Examples | A spatial location q is a physical quality. |
Distinctions | No abstract quality is a physical quality. No physical quality is a temporal quality. |
Typology | A physical region is a region. |
Description | If X is physical location Y then Y is a physical region. If X is physical location of Y then X is a physical region. |
Examples | A space region is a physical region. |
Distinctions | No abstract region is a physical region. No physical region is a temporal region. |
Typology | A proposition is an abstract. |
Description | If X has as quale Y then Y is a quale. If X is quale of Y then X is a quale. |
Typology | A quality is a spatio temporal particular. |
Description | If any of the following relationships hold between X and Y then Y is a quality: "is quale of", "is q location of", "has as t quality" and "has as quality". If any of the following relationships hold between X and Y then X is a quality: "is t inherent in", "is q location", "is inherent in" and "has as quale". |
Examples | The following are qualities: temporal qualities, physical qualities, and abstract qualities. |
Distinctions | None of the following are qualities: perdurants, endurants, or abstracts. |
Other | No information. |
Typology | |
Description | If any of the following relationships hold between X and Y then Y is a region: "is r location of", "is r location", "is q location" and "is exact location". If any of the following relationships hold between X and Y then X is a region: "is r location of", "is r location", "is q location of" and "is exact location of". |
Examples | The following are regions: temporal regions, physical regions, and abstract regions. |
Typology | A relevant part is a feature. |
Typology | A space region is a physical region. |
Examples | A spatio temporal region is a space region. |
Typology | A spatial location q is a physical quality. |
Typology | A spatio temporal particular is an abstract. |
Examples | The following are spatio temporal particulars: qualities, perdurants, and endurants. |
Typology | A spatio temporal region is a space region. |
Description | If X is spatio temporally present at Y then Y is a spatio temporal region. If X is spatio temporal presence of Y then X is a spatio temporal region. |
Typology | A temporal location q is a temporal quality. |
Typology | A temporal quality is a quality. |
Description | |
Examples | A temporal location q is a temporal quality. |
Distinctions | No physical qualities or abstract qualities are temporal qualities. |
Typology | A temporal region is a region. |
Examples | A time interval is a temporal region. |
Distinctions | No physical regions or abstract regions are temporal regions. |
Typology | A time interval is a temporal region. |
Description | If X is q present at Y then Y is a time interval. If X is time of q presence of Y then X is a time interval. |