Description | If any of the following relationships hold between X and Y then Y is a perdurant: "is temporally overlaps", "is temporally includes", "is temporally included in", "is temporally connected", "is temporally coincides", "is temporal relation i", "is temporal relation", "is temporal location of", "starts", "is started by", "precedes", "is met by", "meets", "follows", "concludes" and "is concluded by". If any of the following relationships hold between X and Y then X is a perdurant: "is temporally overlaps", "is temporally includes", "is temporally included in", "is temporally connected", "is temporally coincides", "is temporal relation i", "is temporal relation", "is temporal location", "starts", "is started by", "precedes", "is met by", "meets", "follows", "concludes" and "is concluded by". |